Job And Learning

Saturday 14 January 2017

What is a Landing Page?

Many Friend especially for beginners who want to know what's new landing page. Indeed sometimes understanding landing page it's a little confusing because often in video training ebook is not so specific or explain what is landing page.

Okay, today I will help what landing page. Landing page is the page that is used for the landing of visitors clicking on the link and all of the destination page. It's called a Landing Page.

There are several types of landing page which is used for landing traffic:

1. Page Page or Post

Page page and this post is typically used for landing a blog with articles and information provide a topic. Traffic came with the intention of reading the article. For example the page you are reading this;-).

2. Squeeze Page

Well, unlike the Squeeze Page. This page is used for a particular purpose. Usually the page squeeze page is used to capture the data name and email from visitors by providing sesuaitu such as eBooks or videos.

3. Video Page

The video Page is also almost similar to Page Page and Post. The only difference is the video page display only the headlines, video and links. So that traffic could be more focused to get the information they are given.

To make the landing page you must have a blog or website. To create a blog or website you can download 15 + video series how to create a website at You can download it for free.

Okay, I hope this article was helpful for your business. comments and saranmu can you write below Yes, later I will try to answer it. 

success for you.